Paint is fairly expensive; you will pay about $8 to $13 per gallon for quality paint. We recommend that you buy quality paint. The cost may be a few dollars more, but you will not have to paint your house as often as you will if you use poor quality paint. There are three basic ingredients in paint:
1.The pigment gives the paint its color and body.
2. A vehicle, such as oils or water, suspends the pigment.
3. A thinner gives the pigment and the vehicle the proper consistency.
Interior paints include solvent-thinned paints and water-thinned paints. Solvent-thinned paints are usually thinned with mineral spirits. They include modified-alkyd and resin-based enamels. Alkyd enamel is also so vent-thinned.

Water-thinned paints are usually thinned with latex particles emulsified in water. You will be involved with three types: rubber, PVA or vinyl, and acrylic. You can also buy thixotropic,epoxy, urethane, and polyurethane paints. All these are thinned with water.
When you buy paint, you often over look a paints light reflecting qualities. A white or light colored paint on the exterior of your home reflects the sun's rays, which keeps the interior of your home cooler in the summer months. A dark-colored paints absorbs the light. The same rule applies to the interior of your home.